5 norrman och en svensk.

Dagens upptackt: norska ar en av de mest forvirrande spraken.

Igar kvall smsade mamma mig om sa att hon hade missat planet pagrund av visastrul, sa det vart ingen mamma idag da. Jag far vanta enda tills pa Sondag for att se dem da, inte en san big deal dock. Jag klarar mig, fast jag kanner pa mig att denna vecka komemr ga segt. Julie har ocksa besko denna vecka fran Norge. Hela henns familj ar har och halsar pa. Sa jag har traffat dem och pa tordag ska vi ut pa middag av det jag forstod pa norskan. De ar hursomhelst jattetrevliga manniskor och Julie kommer ha 2 underbara veckor har med dem.
Nu ska jag ga och ata Sushi! PUSSAR

Week End

Hejsan hejsan!
veckan som gatt flog forbi. Jag har bara tagit de lugnt, umgatts med vanner och klippt haret plus sett utan tvekan arets samsta film Dead By 17. For Lordagen har jag inte sa mycket planer. Jag ska storstada mitt rum sen ut och sola/Walnut Creek(grannstad)/ ut pa Hike med vanner. kvall ska jag ga och se en teaterforestallning innan jag och Katy gor San Ramon osaker i hennes party-van.
Sondag blir vall nagot i still med trana, the Mall och sen hem och forbereda mig infor nasta vecka, da mamma och mats kommer!
See ya later SWEEEEEDES !


Hejsan gott folk!
Its Sunday today and there is not much going on my agenda.
This weekend was pretty mellow.
Friday night i ended up watching a movie with Derek and on Saturday i went to the city with Clementine. We had tons of fun, and then the boys in the family + me went out for dinner in San Ramon.
Today I'm just gonna do homework and some yoga. My friends are so important so they have better and more cooler stuff to do than to hang out with me. Well i guess not very weekend can be perfect, at least I went to the city and had some fun.
Its only one more week until mum comes, its sick that it went by so fast, but i'm excited for her visit! Were gonna have a lot of fun.

Japanese American Internment

Imagine the one country that is most associated with freedom. 
Then imagine this country locking in their own American Citizens in camps without a real reason.
This is what happened during WW2 in America with approximatively 120.000 Japanese-Americans. 

The well planned attack of Pearl Harbor December 7th 1941, was conducted by Japanese Admiral Yamamoto Isorokuand and the Japanese navy. After this frightening attack, the government and the people of America was terrified of Japan striking again on one of their territories or, even worse, the country. Sadly enough the government of the United States decided that the best plan to eliminate future attacks on America was to send all Japanese-Americans(62 % of them were born in America) from the pacific coast to camps,  where they would be living in for several years, locked in. 

The first time I heard about this was only a couple of weeks ago and the reason why i'm writing about this today is because we had a guest speaker in History class who was in one of these camps. He was there to inform us and tell about his experiences. 

He told us that one morning they heard on the radio that all Japanese in his area were supposed to gather in a place in a city close to where he lived. They were told to sell everything they owned except what they could carry in only one week. Thousands of people were forced to sell their businesses, houses, cars etc. for much less than what it really was worth. He would hear about people selling their cars for dimes, nickels and dollars so they could get rid of them.  

His family gathered with thousands of other Japanese-Americans at the place they were told to be at. Then they were all put on trains and nobody knew were the were going. For several day the passed different states and towns until they finally arrived in Arkansas. Here, they were assigned a room were he and his family would live in. The only thing in this room was a window, a light bulb and 5 steel beds. The bathroom facilities had no privacy and the the houses were badly constructed so it was really cold during the winter. 

They lived here from 1942 until 1945. They did not know for how long their were gonna be put in here for when they first arrived and had no idea what their lives was going to look like. They were never beaten in theses camps or they did not have to salve work, but their rights were still taken away as most of them were American citizens. 

In the end the guards and the rules started to loosen up. Men could go into work in the nearby towns and there was a school put up in the camp. There was girls scouts and boy scouts and teams were set up for the kids. They could go on field trips and go out and play in the nearby woods. 

One day they were all released. They told them that they could finally go home and back to their normals lives wherever they came from. the problem with thats was that no one knew were they were going. They had sold everything they owned before they left and had no money. They had to start their lives all over again. 
Luckily for my guest speaker, his friend from back home had taken care of their house while their were gone and they had a place to go back to, but must people settled on the East Coast.

All the black triangle dots are where these internment camps were located at.

The facilities whre they all lived in, former military housing but now turned into the Japanes American Internment camps.

In 1988 Congress and Ronald Reagan signed a legislation which apologized for the internment and gave up to $20.000 to anybody who were still alive. 

I think that this is the sadest part of U.S history and only by learning from it we can prevent it from ever happening again.

"Caroline, I didnt know you were Irish"

Min historia larare forsoker vara roligt eftersom jag till dagen ara hade pa mig gront(St:Patricks day).

St:Patricks day ar jatte stort har i USA. Hela skolan var ida kladd i gront och nagra hade pa sig snygga utstyrslar. Darfor ska jag ikvall fira detta stort med Katy eftersom hon ar fran Irland(irlandsik? svenskan suger).

De senaste dagarna har flytit pa och medan ni kara svenskar har suttit hemma och genomfrysta har jag vart ute och njutit av det 25 gradiga vadret och sol som antligen kommit tillbaka till San Ramon, och det fortsatter att bli varmare. Snart ska jag inviga poolen for detta ar!

I skolan flyter det ocksa pa ratt bra. Engelskan ar sisadar men historian och matten gar bra. I historian ska har vi precis borjat med Kalla Kriget och samtidigt sahar vi en argumetal essay att skriva on the most influencal person in this era. Jag valde J Edgar Hoover(pappa inspirerar mig) sa det ska bli intressant hur detta gar.

I just went to the gym too. Gonna burn some of this fat thats been growing on my but ans stomach, gotta look fit for this summer. I also go to yoga atleast 4 times a week, and don't be quick on juding on how hard it is. When you tried it you know its one of the most diffcult exercises. Not because its hard, but because you sweat and get really hot so it's just hard staying inside that 40C room.

Othervise there is not much going on. Mum is coming in 2 weeks so im really excited. We're going down to L.A and we're gonna se San Francisco and other cool parts of California. It's gonna be fun to show them around places in San Ramon(because there is soooo many places to show) like Target and Castco where they serve world gratest pizza for a buck.

I should probably just start writing in english.

Se ya later you fools!

"hello there"

Ikvall har verkligen varit slappt, jag kom hem runt 6 efter en lang dag som voluntar pa en Youth2Youth (antidrog) Conference med massa Middle Schooler Kids. det var ganska inspirerande, pa slutet av dagen hade de en "panel" som alla berattade om vad de hade for upplevelser med alkohol och droger och vissa av deras historier var verkligen rorande.
Efter det kom jag hem och chilllaxade i soffan ett tag. I kvallens ara sa lyssnade jag och derek pa alla bidrag fran Melodifestivalens final som var idag. Vissa av dem var bra, sasom Salem El Fakir och vi gillade Elin Lantos lat , men andra som t.ex. Anna Berghendal som vann "was just godawful" som Derek sa. Ibland forstar jag mig inte pa Sveriges musiksmak men vad kan jag gora at saken.

Amerikas favorit var anda snyggingen Eric Saades Manboy.

Vada lite sent?

Detta gjorde jag pa min fodelsedag.. eller aa efter min fodelsedag.

At camp

Japanska resturang

Logie heeet

lite poesi kanske?

Every Day was the same
He woke up, got dressed up for the world
And planned a party just for one girl
And at evening the strangers came
And each time they were never the same

His eyes grow tired as he searches the yard
A desolate expression comes knowing she won’t be there
Wondering if she every truly cared
Mad that he tried so hard
And his emotions for her he was ready to discard

As summer went on she grew close
She finally said I love you
And he replied you too
But her love for him was never the most
She treated him as the affair with the party host

One solemn night was filled with death
A mistress puts her hand out in good face
But the green machine takes her out like a wrath
And they all left
As she took her last breath

They tried to put his honesty to the test
Saying he has killed before
And he is going to do more
But with a bullet to bless
This great Gatsby was put to rest  

BY: Derek Lewis

Ha ha ha keller & derek


Just nu:

Jag äter ANNAs perpparkakor, Svenskt recept. AWESOME!

im not ready for this

Godmorgon vackert Sverigefolk!!

igår efter skolan gick jag först och införskaffa mig en Burrito. Jag menar DELICIOUSNESS!!! Sverige har inte denna typ av burriot och jag vet inte vad jag ska göra när jag kommer tillbaka. Jag vill aldrig lämna dem.

På kvälle såg jag Alice i Underlandet 3D som hade premiär, ingen mästerfilm men om du gillar sånna typer av filmer borde du gå och se den. Jag såg den med Derek, Ayi, Keller och Casey och vi hade mycket trevligt. Keller är fortfarande lika rolig/konstig som när jag först träffa honom.

Annars vet jag inte vad som händer idag. Eller jo det vet jag. Jag ska träffa Julie och göra något roligt med henne. vad vet jag inte men jag är trött på Target, Bio och gallerian. Vill åka in till the City, men jag får se vad som händer.

Vad ska jag göra utan dig burrito?

P.S Min Svenska e sämst

vilar på min nya rosa(självklart) yogamatta

Hejsan Hejsan!
Gjorde precis klart min läxa i US-history, typ det enda ämnet som som jag tycker är kul att göra läxor i och inte för att skryta har man faktiskt ett ett sånt därt coolt A i ämnet. Vi är inne på Andra Världskriget och kriget i Pacific Ocean med Japan och grejer. Hade en läxa på att berätta om "the Battles" i pacific ocean så nu är jag expert på det!
Vad annars har jag gjort? Jag har kollar på the Baader Meinhof Komplex. Bra film not gonna lie. Derek kolla på den i 20 min innan han tyckte den var tråkig men jag kolla glatt på och som vanligt när jag hör något svenskt(scenen när de är i Tyska Ambassaden i Stockholm) blir jag lite sådär överexalterad, som jag berätta om att amerikanare blir över ingenting när jag först kom hit.
Nu ska jag förbereda mig inför sömn, blev inte många timmar igår. Somna kl. 1.40 eftersom jag mådde lite illa
Men aaaaallt är bra nu! Var någorlunda trött i skolan idag och hade 1 engelska och 1 matteprov och slumra till när vi kolla på film i Musik Historian.
Nu ska jaga några dammråttor och prata med mysa with my love!
Ha det gott

craving a big fat doughnut with pink icing just cause i'm a princess and i deserve it

kom precis hem Old Ranch Road med Katy.
Hon ringde upp mig och undra om jag ville följa med henne och ta bilder för hennes fotoklass och om jag typ kunde vara hennes modell. Det var konstigt men samtidigt riktig roligt, trodde dock jag skulle bli ihjälbiten av en orm när jag låg i det höga gräset. Men men allt gick bra!

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